This is a site to explore the ancestors of Christopher R Evans
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Research started on 18/4/2019 . Last put live19/5/2019
Click on any name in blue
Paternal side
Christopher R Evans 1942 . .Richard Francis Evans 1901-1945 . . . Tom Evans farmer 1876-1960 . . John Evans farmer 1842-1901 . .Francis Evans farmer ~1797-1865 . William Evans
Eleanor Mary Kendall wife of Tom Evans 1871-1964 . . Harry Richard Kendall storeman 1851- <1881? . Richard Kendall commercial traveller 1825-1901 . .Richard Kendall shopkeeper 1787-1840
Annie Morgan wife of John Evans 1841 1844- (1891-1901) . . Thomas Morgan farmer ~1818-1850 . . John Morgan
Margaret Rees wife of Francis Evans ~1808-1868
Martha Price wife of Thomas Morgan 1817-->1851 . . Thomas Price
Julia Williams wife of Harry R Kendall 1850- 1937. . Herbert Williams farmer 1821-1907 . . James Williams
Hester Gillard wife of Richard Kendall 1827-1857 . . Thomas Gillard flax dresser 1783-1863
Hannah Martin wife of Herbert Williams 1817-1893 . . Mark Martin millwright 1786-1838
Hannah Reynolds wife of Mark Martin 1791-1841
Doris Mary Evans 1906-1964 revered aunt of Chris
Eleanor Phyllis Evans 1927 - half sister of Chris
Will redo this chart more neatly once I receive the Thomas ancestry from C R E !
Updates: John Evans 1841-1901?; Thomas Morgan~ 1814-1850, father John Morgan; his wife Martha Price ~1817->1851. her father Thomas Price
Maternal Side
Hannah Margery Ault 1904-2002 . . . Percy Ault pharmacist 1873 -1946 . . . Horatio Ault merchant, grocer 1841-1927 . . Horatio Ault independent minister 1807-1871 . . John Ault timber merchant,publican 1766--1861 . .Henry Ault 1739-1834 . . . Thomas Ault 1705-1796 . . Charles Ault 1679-1753 . . Herbert Ault 1650
Helena Ethel Thomas wife of Percy Ault 1877 - 19 . . .Rees Thomas farmer, merchant 1838-1893 . . . John Thomas .
Harriet Parton wife of Horatio Ault 1841 1834-1898. Henry Parton grocer 1796-1874 . Peter Parton miller 1762-1818 . Peter Parton 1740-1766 . Peter Parton 1718-1749
Eliza Smith wife of Horatio Ault 1807 1807-1891 . . Charles Smith
Anne Taft wife of John Ault 1770-1854 . . Edward Taft
Hannah Davies wife of Rees Thomas 1849-1908 . . John Davies farmer 1809->1881
Harriet Ranger wife of Henry Parton 1803-1888 . . Henry Ranger
Elizabeth Ann Grisbrook wife of Peter Parton 1759-1823
s Thomas