Mary Pickstones 1810- 1866
1809. A Mary Pickstones was baptised to John Pickstones & Jane, of Whitefield, in St Mary´s Prestwich on 1/10/1809 ( born 15/8/1809)- Lancashire Bmds, Bishops Transcripts
1832. Mary Pickstones married Samuel Patefield on 23/4/1832 at St Mary the Virgin, Prestwich - FS. Ancestry Manchester C of E Marriages
But, there is also a marriage 27/12/1835 of a Mary Pickstone to John Saville ,abode Whitefield, in Prestwich . So, there were 2 Mary Pickstones of Whitefield marrying in Prestwich
But Mary Pickstone/Saville is given as born 1813, 1814 & 1811 in the 1851, 1861 & 1871 censuses, so I feel the 1809 birth is indeed our Mary Pickstones/Patefield & not the one that married, without an s, in 1835
1836. Son John Patefield was born
1839. Thomas Patefield was born Bury Dec1840 to Samuel & Mary
1841C. Samuel Patefield , 25, weaver, was living Hollins, Pilkington, Oldham cum Prestwich, Bury with his wife, Mary, 25, and 2 sons.
Samuel | Patefield | Male | 25 | 1816 | weaver Lancashire, England |
Mary | Patefield | Female | 25 | 1816 | Lancashire, England |
John | Patefield | Male | 5 | 1836 | Lancashire, England |
Thomas | Patefield | Male | 7mths | 1841 | Lancashire, England |
James | Jones | Male | 30 | 1811 | Lancashire, England |
Mary | Jones | Female | 30 | 1811 | Lancashire, England |
Margaret | Jones | Female | 7 | 1834 | Lancashire, England |
Sarah | Jones | Female | 5 | 1836 | Lancashire, England |
Thomas | Jones | Male | 1 | 1840 | Lancashire, England |
1842. Samuel Patefield, 30, address Hollins , buried 23/3/1842 in Stand, Prestwich - actual image on FS . I wonder what he died of??
She was thus widowed with 2sons just 2 & 5/6.
1851C. Mary Peatfield, 42, widow, cotton winder, was living Whitefield, Pilkington, Bury. Both her sons working
Mary | Peatfield | Head | Widow | Female | 42 | 1809 | Cotton Winder | Whitefield, Lancashire, England |
John | Peatfield | Son | - | Male | 15 | 1836 | Errand Boy Cotton Mill | Whitefield, Lancashire, England |
Thomas | Peatfield | Son | - | Male | 11 | 1840 | Searer To Cal Printers | Whitefield, Lancashire, England |
1861C. Mary Peatfield , 51, house keeper, was living Green Lane, Pilkington with her son, Thomas
Mary | Patefield | Head | Widow | Female | 51 | 1810 | House Keeper | Lancashire, England |
Thomas | Patefield | Son | Unmarried | Male | 20 | 1841 | Cotton Power Loom... | Lancashire, England |
1866. Mary Patefield , born 1810, address Whitefield, was buried Stand on 19/3/1866 - FMP