Mary Pickstones 1810- 1866

1809. A Mary Pickstones was baptised to John Pickstones & Jane, of Whitefield, in St Mary´s Prestwich on 1/10/1809 ( born 15/8/1809)- Lancashire Bmds, Bishops Transcripts


1832. Mary Pickstones married Samuel Patefield on 23/4/1832 at St Mary the Virgin, Prestwich - FS. Ancestry Manchester C of E Marriages

But, there is also a marriage 27/12/1835 of a Mary Pickstone to John Saville ,abode Whitefield, in Prestwich . So, there were 2 Mary Pickstones of Whitefield marrying in Prestwich

But Mary Pickstone/Saville is given as born 1813, 1814 & 1811 in the 1851, 1861 & 1871 censuses, so I feel the 1809 birth is indeed our Mary Pickstones/Patefield & not the one that married, without an s, in 1835

1836. Son John Patefield was born

1839. Thomas Patefield was born Bury Dec1840 to Samuel & Mary

1841C. Samuel Patefield , 25, weaver, was living Hollins, Pilkington, Oldham cum Prestwich, Bury with his wife, Mary, 25, and 2 sons.

Samuel Patefield Male 25 1816 weaver Lancashire, England
Mary Patefield Female 25 1816 Lancashire, England
John Patefield Male 5 1836 Lancashire, England
Thomas Patefield Male 7mths 1841 Lancashire, England
James Jones Male 30 1811 Lancashire, England
Mary Jones Female 30 1811 Lancashire, England
Margaret Jones Female 7 1834 Lancashire, England
Sarah Jones Female 5 1836 Lancashire, England
Thomas Jones Male 1 1840 Lancashire, England

1842. Samuel Patefield, 30, address Hollins , buried 23/3/1842 in Stand, Prestwich - actual image on FS . I wonder what he died of??


She was thus widowed with 2sons just 2 & 5/6.

1851C. Mary Peatfield, 42, widow, cotton winder, was living Whitefield, Pilkington, Bury. Both her sons working

Mary Peatfield Head Widow Female 42 1809 Cotton Winder Whitefield, Lancashire, England
John Peatfield Son - Male 15 1836 Errand Boy Cotton Mill Whitefield, Lancashire, England
Thomas Peatfield Son - Male 11 1840 Searer To Cal Printers Whitefield, Lancashire, England

1861C. Mary Peatfield , 51, house keeper, was living Green Lane, Pilkington with her son, Thomas

Mary Patefield Head Widow Female 51 1810 House Keeper Lancashire, England
Thomas Patefield Son Unmarried Male 20 1841 Cotton Power Loom... Lancashire, England

1866. Mary Patefield , born 1810, address Whitefield, was buried Stand on 19/3/1866 - FMP

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