Paul Jordan 1787-1836

Native of New Julpha, being baptaised there. He married an Armenian. Likely a Merchant, worked for Agabeg & Co in 1830

Contacted Patricia Watson, Hickson Ancestry tree, descendant of Fred. P Dwight Gaspar, on 11/9/2018- she replied, had done tree for Dwight's granddaughter,Annie Scott

Also Taylor; Lumsden, Newman-McHuffie(huge!) & Jordan (1200)families trees

There is a grave, 1802, to Barrapeet Thomas Jordan in Lower Circular Road cemetery, Calcutta - can be seen on

1787. Born New Julfa, India, baptised according to the confession of St Gregory the Illuminator - from his 1836 Will


New Julfa is the Armenian quarter of Isfahan, Iran, located along the south bank of the Zayande ...

Achinto Roy and Reshmi Lahiri Roy, co-authors of the paper, "The Armenian Diaspora's Calcutta Connection", quote existing literature on the Armenian diaspora to establish that Armenian merchants from New Julfa in Persia came to Bengal in the 17th century.

A Paul Jourdan , merchant, is on FS, born 1765, dying 1840 in Vizagapatam - roughly halfway between Madras & Calcutta. Could he be his father ? - a long shot!

1817 .Paul Jordan married Mariam Pogose Vardon Gaspar in the Armenian Church, Madras on 8/11/1817 - Ancestry Taylor tree Not on FS . Look for Fibis Record

1818-1819 The couple moved from Madras to Rangoon- a long,long way!!

1820. Jordan Paul Jordan was born 6/1/1820 in Rangoon to Paul & Mariam : Rangoon then India!

Other children were: 1st 2/3 here born Madras , the later ones Bengal/Calcutta . ?? So seem to be back in Madras 1821-1823!!

  • Vardon Jordan (1821-) had a son J V Jordan 1876-1891 in Calcutta 
  • Gregory P Jordan(1822-1876) his Calcutta death, aged 54, on Fibis  
  • Avietick P Jordan (1824-1840) 
  • Nicholas Paul Jordan(1825-1889) 
  • Hripsima Jordan(1827-) 
  • John Jordan(1829-) 
  • Elizabeth Jordan(1829-) 
  • Haroutun Paul Jordan (1831-1877)

Aside!: Saint Hripsime Church is a seventh century Armenian Apostolic church in the city of Vagharshapat (Etchmiadzin), Armenia: Nigel and I visited this in September 2018

1824-1825. Moves from Madras to Calcutta

1830. Paul Jordan, firm of Agabeg & Co, is residing at 167 China Bazaar, Calcutta. The only Jordan listed . Also at this address are Vardan Gasper , no occupn. & G V Gasper Writer Exchange rooms .Vardan Gasper could well be his father in law, old, so no occupation. G V Gasper maybe a brother in law.

this an Extract from the Bengal Annual Register and Directory for 1831- Armenian Residents in Calcutta 1830

1836, Paul Jordan, 49, died 2/7/1836 Calcutta- a long, long way from his native New Julfa !.


He left a Will , written in 1826, in Calcutta, when his oldest child, Jordan, was just 6


He was a native of New Julpha . Had been baptised into the Armenian Church according to the confession of faith of St Gregory the Illuminator of Armenia. Executors :his wife Mary Paul Jordan, Aviet Agabeg & Lazar Agabeg.. He left 100 Rupees to the minister of , Iareazian? Street , & another 100 R to the poor & beggars of the said street. Wife Mary to receive 10000 rupees & keep all her jewelry given her by her father & by himself - but only up to the value of 5000 rupees, any surplus to to be sold & put back into the estate. He left 1000 rupees to his sister still living living in New Julpha, and if she predeceased him, this sum to be divided into 3- a portion to her husband,Stephanous Jordan, a portion to their children & a portion to the children of his maternal aunt. His wife to receive after her parents' decease the inheritance from her maternal grandpa's estate, presently managed by Nicholas Marcar Pogose: one share for her & one each for her bros Stephanous & Gregory. He names his children- this in 1826 - as Jordan, Vardon, Gregory, Avielick & Nicholas

Gaspar Index