Earlier Gaspers, ancestors of Melkum Gasper . . 1792- 1855-72

and descendants of Malcolm

29/10/2018. Heard from Sara Marita on Ancestry message re S M Gasper 1811-1843. her answer did not help me but have now contacted Timothyr42 who seemed to have provided the 1831 Marriage of S M, and printed on it, birth 1811, death1843


Elias Gasper buried in Armenian Church, Calcutta in 1775

O E Gasper 1778-1860 died Poodoopett( this Madras/Chennai: >1000k away ) 17/1/1860 - so maybe not related /a brother of Malcolm's??

A Will of Aviet Ter Gasper, 1847 , led me to think that our Malcolm ~1792 say- might have been his son. He , originally from Julpha, then of Bupora, left most things to his beloved son, Baldazar . But he also had a son Malcolm, and daughters Elizabeth & Merkathoon. But feel the dates argue against this: our Malcolm having been born ~1792, ie too early! Also ? Baldazar was born 1821- ???- so the wrong generation But, all the same, this Will is interesting as it highlichts the movements of Gasper from Julpha via the Persian Gulf to Calcutta

1814. Malcolm Gasper married Repsima/Hripsima Marcar, Calcutta- Fibis . Would have thought a record of the marriage should also exist in the Armenian Church

1815-1829 From Fibis site, they had the following children, baptised in the Armenian Church, Calcutta: Mariam 1815; Eghisabet 1817; Gaspar 1818-1862; Haroutoun 1820; Petros 1822; Ana Maria 1823; Khachkhatun 1825; Osvanna 1827 & Nikoghayos 1829



In Seth's 'History of the Armenians in India...' M. Gasper had donated 100 rupees to the Armenian Philanthropic Academy and his son Gasper M Gasper 300 rupees between 1797 and 1850. ~ 80 donors in this period, donations ranging from 20 to 38000 rupees, but mainly 500-1000. So Malcolm not over wealthy

1830. M Gasper was listed as working in Secretarial Department, along with Stephanous Malcolm Gasper, their address 21 Moorgyhutta Street. Also a Vardan Gasper , no occup., at 167 China Bazaar, along with G V Gasper, writer exchange & also Paul Jordan, firm of Agabeg & Co, there at 167 China Bazaar. . Also A C Gasper, trader, 12 Portuguese Church Street

From this, I suspect that Malcolm had brothers, Stephanous Malcolm Gasper, Vardan Gasper & G V Gasper, married in 1839 to Mariam Mooratcan. A C Gasper could also be a brother . Have not found the marriages of any of the others. S M Gasper had children 1836 &1837 & was born 1811 , according to an Ancestry tree- contacted its owner 26/10/2018

But these 'brothers' not mentioned in Aviet's Will!!


Information Nigel gleaned from Directories in the British India Office, around 1987:

1842 M Gasper listed on Warden's Commissaries, Armenian Church of Calcutta. In the Bengal & Agra Annual Guide & Gazetteer(year?) , 4 commisaries are given
1852 M Gasper listed as Pensioner, Calcutta;
1854 Attorney Arratoon Malcolm Gasper..Public Notary. - he likely son, Harouton1820?
1855 NM listed at 1 1/2 (One-and-a half) Sukeas Lane, together with AM Gasper-same 1820 son. NM would be Nicholas Malcolm 1829.
1860 Nicholas Malestin, 6 Lr.Circular Road
1861 Nicholas Malcolm 8  Joratalao Street
1863 NM Court of Small Causes 8 Joratalao Street
1864 NM 8 Joratalao Street
1880 NM Pleader 22 Royd Street Rangoon.(14 other Gaspers listed, including an Armenian Priest.)
1867 Nicholas listed as a Pleader, at 1 Chowringee lane; other Gaspers also listed.
1870 N listed as Pleader, Court of Small Assizes; other Gaspers listed.

GJ Bagram listed as asst to MC Joakim & Co - he was a witness to NMG's marriage & had married NMG's sister, Elizabeth, in 1834 .

Descendants of Malcolm & Hripsima Gasper

Gaspar M Gaspar died, aged 43, on 5/8/1862 Calcutta; his wife Helen on 4/11/1862. Their daughters, Mary, married in 1864 & Catherine in 1865 & Hosannah in 1878 -Fibis Times of India

Haratoun Malcolm Gasper's eldest son was Archibald Malcolm Gasper: Arratoun Malcolm Gaper was a Public Notary in 1854 Haratoun was dead by 1872

1869. His grandsom Anakial]/Arrakiel Peter Gasper, 19, so born ~1850, child of Peter Malcolm Gasper, 1822, is admitted to Lincoln's Inn, the year after J J Gazdar was!! Arrakiel's Bombay?/Calcutta? address in 1872 was 9 Old Post Office Street- Seth



1869. M. P. Gasper, a leading barrister of the Calcutta High Court, was the first Armenian who passed the Indian Civil Service Examination in 1869. he a son of Peter Malcolm Gasper, 1822: thus a grandson of Malcolm


Gasper Index