1829. Anna Chater was born 21/4/1829 in Calcutta to Chater Paul Chater & Miriam Zorer
Do I have entry for this??- look up on Fibis!- seemingly not there!
1845 .Anna Chater, only 16, married Jordan Paul Jordan on 21/7/1845 Calcutta - Fibis
1847. Hosannah Queenie Jordan was born in Calcutta to Jordan & Anna- 8/5/1847
Other children were: Mary Jordan 1846-1904; Katerina Sarah Jordan 1849; Paul Jordan 1851-1901; John Chater Jordan 1852-1913; Elena Jordan 1854; Vardan Jordan Jordan 1854-1919; Dr Gregory Paul Jordan 1858-1921; Catharine Sarah Jordan 18xx-1894
Fibis has a daughter born 28/4/1846, another 8/5/1847- seemingly Hosannah, a son 10/12/1850, another 6/2/1856
Having married in Calcutta, had children there, the family was back in Rangoon by 1856, then moved to HongKong by 1864,Shanghai by 1865, back in Calcutta by 1870
1856. Her husband was initiated into the Star of Burma Lodge, Rangoon
1863. On 28/7/1863 Mary Jordan, 17, their eldest daughter, married G J M Manuk in Calcutta, he being 'of China' -Fibis ( in 1858 a G P Jordan had married I Manuk)
1864. Seemingly in HongKong and had her brother, Catchik Paul Chater, living with her family
1865. Her husband was initiated into the Royal Sussex Lodge, Shanghai
1870. Jordan J P listed as bill broker, 65 Lower Circular Road, Calcutta - Thackers Bengal Directory
1870. Their daughter, Hosannah, 23, marries N M Gaspar in Calcutta
1875. Jordan Paul Jordan, 56, died 4/9/1875, buried 5/9/1875 in Calcutta- Ancestry . Also certificate on Fibis
1894. 11/7/1894 Catherine Sarah Jordan, youngest daughter of the late Jordan Paul Annie JordanĀ , dies at 19 Boyd Street, Calcutta-Fibis
1894.. Anna Jordan dies Rangoon .-Ancestry trees. No entry found for this on Fibis, but there is a note that 1894 Times entries are in very poor condition