Margaret Sweenie 1834- 1894

Born Dumbarton Town

1834. Margaret Sweenie born to Margaret Watson/Blackburn . No baptism on SP 1833-1835

1841C, Margaret Swanie Duntocher,56 Old Kilpatrick, Dunbartonshire . Ancestry copy of this census also has Margaret Watson, 35, & Alexander Blackham 14 on it

William Blackburn Male 12 1829 Dunbartonshire, Scotland
Hugh Swanie Male 9 1832 Dunbartonshire, Scotland
Margaret Swanie Female 7 1834 Dunbartonshire, Scotland
Janet Swanie Female 3 1838 Dunbartonshire, Scotland

1851C. By now her mother has become Margaret Blackburn?? Old Monkland, Middle Ward & Airdrie, Lanarkshire

A Tambourer is someone who embroiders on a tambour: Lace
Embroderer using hoops to hold the cloth

Margaret Blackburn Head Widow Female 46 1805 Tambourer Old Kilpatrick, Dunbartonshire, Scotland
William Blackburn Son Unmarried Male 20 1831 Iron Miner Old Kilpatrick, Dunbartonshire, Scotland
Hugh Blackburn Son Unmarried Male 18 1833 Iron Miner Old Kilpatrick, Dunbartonshire, Scotland
Margaret Blackburn Daughter Unmarried Female 16 1835 Tambourer Old Kilpatrick, Dunbartonshire, Scotland
Janet Blackburn Daughter - Female 12 1839 Scholar Duntocher, Dunbartonshire, Scotland
Catherine Blackburn Daughter - Female 8 1843 Scholar Duntocher, Dunbartonshire, Scotland



1853 . Margaret Sweenie marries John Ralton in October 1853 in New Monkland Parish- Scotland Select Marriages, Ancestry. Unfortunately just before the 1855 detailed state records,

1855. Margaret Watson Ralton was born on 20/4/1855 at Woodhall Coliery to John Ralton, 24, coal miner, born ? Killin, Airdrie & Margaret Watson Ralton, 21, maiden name Sweenie , born Dumbarton Town . Her 1st child


1861C. John Ralston, 29, coal miner, was living Woodhall School Row, Old Monkton

John Ralston Head Married Male 29 1832 Coal Miner New Monkland, Lanarkshire, Scotland
Margaret Ralston Wife Married Female 26 1835 - Old Kilpatrick, Dunbartonshire, Scotland
Margaret Watson Ralston Daughter - Female 6 1855 Scholar Old Monkland, Lanarkshire, Scotland
John Ralston Son - Male 4 1857 - Old Monkland, Lanarkshire, Scotland
Hugh Ralston Son - Male 1 1860 - Old Monkland, Lanarkshire, Scotland
William Cook Boarder Unmarried Male 3 1858 Coal Miner Ireland


1871C .John Ralston, 38, coal miner, was living Canal Row 4, Old Monkland

John Ralston Head Married Male 38 1833 Coal Miner Lanarkshire, Scotland
Margaret Ralston Wife Married Female 36 1835 - Dunbartonshire, Scotland
Margaret Ralston Daughter Unmarried Female 16 1855 - Lanarkshire, Scotland
John Ralston Son Unmarried Male 14 1857 Coal Miner Lanarkshire, Scotland
Hugh Ralston Son - Male 12 1859 - Lanarkshire, Scotland
David Ralston Son - Male 10 1861 - Lanarkshire, Scotland
Janet Ralston Daughter - Female 7 1864 - Lanarkshire, Scotland
Peter Ralston Son - Male 5 1866 - Lanarkshire, Scotland
Alexander Ralston Son - Male 3 1868 - Lanarkshire, Scotland

1881C. John Ralton, 48, coal miner, was living 49 Johnstone Street, New Monkland, Airdrie

John Ralton Head Married Male 48 1833 Coal Miner Airdrie, Lanarkshire, Scotland
Margaret Ralton Wife Married Female 46 1835 - Kilpatrick, Dunbartonshire, Scotland
David Ralton Son Unmarried Male 19 1862 Coal Miner Woodhall, Lanarkshire, Scotland
Janet Ralton Daughter Unmarried Female 17 1864 Cotton Weaver Calderbraes, Lanarkshire, Scotland
Peter Ralton Son Unmarried Male 14 1867 Coal Miner Calderbraes, Lanarkshire, Scotland
Alexander Ralton Son Unmarried Male 12 1869 Scholar Lanarkshire, Scotland
Joseph Ralton Son Unmarried Male 10 1871 Scholar Lanarkshire, Scotland
Catherine Ralton Daughter Unmarried Female 7 1874 Scholar Calderbank, Lanarkshire, Scotland
Elizabeth Ralton Daughter Unmarried Female 1 1880 - Airdrie, Lanarkshire, Scotland


1891C. John Ralton, 60, Spirit Merchant, was living Farsyth Street, New Monkland, Airdrie

John Ralton Head Married Male 60 1831 Spirit Merchant Lanarkshire, Scotland
Margaret Ralton Wife Married Female 57 1834 - Dunbartonshire, Scotland
Catherine Ralton Daughter Unmarried Female 18 1873 Domestic Servant Lanarkshire, Scotland
Elizabeth Ralton Daughter - Female 11 1880 Scholar Lanarkshire, Scotland


1892. John Ralton died , aged 60, Airdrie or New Monkland on SP . Could purchase but know his parents already

1894. Margaret Ralton, 60, died 29/8/1894 at 28 Forsyth Street Airdrie - SP New Monkland/Airdrie - could purchase to get her parents . Forester tree has Margaret Watson 1805-1871 as her mother, but does not explain how Blackburn fits in - needs more work . 1871???death could be aged 66, Old Monkland( Eastern District) on SP






Colquhoun Index