Frederich Seller Hecht 1915 - 1991
1915.Frederich Seller Hecht was born on 31/12/1915 in San Francisco, California.( date from a 1930 ships manifest ) to Joel K Hecht & May Lucie Seller
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In the 1920 US census with his parents and sister
1940. Fred Hecht, 24, divorced, salesman Shoe Company, is living with his spinster aunt, Edith Hecht, 65, in S F.
1943. Wendy Dorothy Hecht, 1943-1988, was born to him and Susanne Rosener 1920-1957 - this from an Ancestry family tree, kisbill1
He married 3 times, apparently, & adopted a daughter, Deborah Andrews: Carolyn has email contact with her, I do not seem to have her email
The adoption agency was the Tennessee Children’s Home Society, owner was Georgia Tann. There was a TV movie made about it called Stolen Babies and now the book Before I Was Yours. Don’t know if I had told you, My dad Fred gave me my adoption court papers before he passed which had my birth mother’s correct name on it, no father’s name. I found her after he passed living in Texas and the 2 sisters that she kept. In 2007 another sister found me that our mother had also put up for adoption 3 years after me. She lives in Louisiana. My birth mom told me my birth father’s name and age at my birth but nothing else. Finally last summer I took the AncestryDNA test that led me to his family. He has passed as has my birth mom. I have 5 sisters on my dad’s side and 3 on my mom’s, no brothers. Going back to Memphis in May to meet the 5.
Can Carolyn give me Deborah's email please
Her brother Frederick Hecht came to visit us in Yorkshire once. We hired a rolls Royce or a Bentley and went to York for the day. My grandparents were certainly used to the good life but I don’t think they could really afford it eventually. He was married several times. I met his daughter Wendy Lewis when she came to London (in around 1987) but sadly she died soon after. Did you see the emails from her half sister Deborah who was adopted by Fred and his then wife? Remind me please if I’ve told you that story already. There are lots of photos of Fred and Dorothy (known as Dotsy) in the album I will bring back from Sydney . They seemed to have a very glamorous life holidaying in Europe and I believe my granny, Dorothy went to finishing school in possibly Lausanne???
I recall my mother talking about the American Shoe Corporation or something like that and think this had a link to the family – mmm not sure .
1970. Frederick Hecht, 54, married Tilo Meyer, 49, on 17/6/1970 - from Diamondchef1 Ancestry tree
From a 1988 solicitor's letter( to be found at end of Gerald Baer's page) :
In 1982 Frederick William Hecht was living Jacks Inn, 2700, Wiltshire Boulevard, Santa Monica
Frederick Seller Hecht died on 20 March 1991 in Santa Monica, California, USA