Dorothy M Cooke 1901-1971

Carolyn's memories of her

Happy memories of my granny Armitage.  Regular visits to her home in Wakefield - memories of the garden with a tennis court, air raid shelter and sun dial.  We knew her as Granny in Wakefiled,  Mum called her Army and I think my Grandpa called her Janie (not sure why!)  Always well dressed, smoked Senior service, played bridge and taught us lots of card games.  Good cook .  Very happy memory of a trip to Wimbledon with her - must have been 1969 I think.  We stayed at the Hyde Park Hotel and travelled down to the tennis each day on the train.  She died very suddenly of a heart attack while staying at the same hotel a couple of years later.  


Children: Anne Elizabeth Armitage 1924-1993, married Peter Hirst in 1964. Marriage dissolved, no issue , &

. . . George Cooke Armitage 1928-2012, married in 1954 Patricia Ann Baer 1931-1973: 3 children: George Nicholas Armitage 1955;Carolyn J Armitage . . . . .1957 & Susanne Mary Armitage 1961 - Remarried Valerie Tibbles nee Ingram on 27/11/1974 . No children

1 George Nicholas Armitage b 28/5/1955 . Married Bernadette Jane Kirk on 3/2/1984 .
emigrated to Sydney Australia . Three children . Lucy Patricia b 19/3/1986 married David
Cox on 15/2/2013 one son James George b 3/12/2012 . Benedict Michael b 24/6/1991 .
Annabel Jane b 16/4/1993
2 Carolyn Julie Armitage b 22/7/1957 . Married Malcolm Alistair Greig on 30/4/1983 at St
Leonard's , Burton Leonard . Three children , divorced 1997 . Remarried Gerald Dew on
1/6/2000 , divorced 2011 . Charlotte Emma b 20/3/1986 , Robert George b 30/9/1989 ,
Sophie Louise b 26/2/1992 . Carolyn lives in Sydney .
3 Susanne Mary Armitage b 6/11/1961 . Married Nicholas Stephen Jones at St
Leonard's , Burton Leonard on 6/5/1989 . Divorced. Remarried Stuart Eon Macleod on
12/7/1997 at Stonor Arms , Stonor , Oxon . Two children . Joseph William Jones b
26/2/1990 . Alistair James McLeod b 22/1/1996 .




1901 . Dorothy M Cooke was born 3/1/1901 in Wakefield to Fred Cooke & Auretta Kilner

1901C. Dorothy M Cooke, 0, was living Jacobs Well Lane South View , Wakefield with her parents, Frederick Cooke, 36, pig dealer, her mother, brother, aunt & a seravnt

Frederick Cooke Head Married Male 36 1865 Pig Dealer Knottingley, Yorkshire, England
Auretta J Cooke Wife Married Female 28 1873 - Lower Denby, Yorkshire, England
George K Cooke Son - Male 1 1900 - Wakefield, Yorkshire, England
Dorothy M Cooke Daughter - Female 0 1901 - Wakefield, Yorkshire, England
Elsie M Kilner Sister-In-Law - Female 14 1887 - Deepcar, Yorkshire, England
Eliza Taylor Servant Single Female 16 1885 General Servant (Domestic) Cudworth, Yorkshire, England

1911C. She was not listed with the family at 32 Petersen Road, Wakefield.. Cannot find her elswhere on FMP

She was educated at Wakefield Girls High School.

1922. Dorothy M Cooke, 21, married Leonard Armitage, 34, brick works manager, on 28/9/1922 in Holy Trinity, Wakefield . . His father George Armitage, stone merchant; hers Fred Cooke, cattle merchant. His address Westfield House, Rothwell: hers Burneytops, West Parade, Wakefield.



1924. Ann Elizabeth Armitage born Wakefield Jun 1924 . 1924-1993. Married Peter Hurst in 1964, marriage dissolved, no children.

1927. Leonard Armitage was living Overdale, Belgrave Mount, Wakefield - Ancestry UK City & County directories

1928. George Cooke Armitage was born to Leonard & Dorothy Wakefield Dec 1928

1939 Register. Dorothy M Armitage, born 3/1/1901, was living Westfield, Wakefield.( original in a pitiable state!) Also an ARP vol.

Leonard Armitage 20 Mar 1888 Male Director & P Owner RedBrick Married 39 1
Dorothy M Armitage 03 Jan 1901 Female Married Woman Married 39 2
Nellie M Cunnintom 16 Jun 1906 Female Domestic Single 39 3


gran1 gran-nick gran-carolyn gran1
Dorothy, Nick & daughter Ann Hirst
Dorothy with grandson,Nick . ~ 1957
Dorothy with Carolyn 1957
Dorothy with Suzanne & Carolyn 1961

ann, pat, dorothy

Ann Armitage, Patricia Baer & Dorothy - year??~1955?? On a ship??

1968. Her husband, Leonard Armitage, 80, died 19/12/1968 at Flat 3 Bede House, College Gro Rd, Wakefield- Wakefield Dec 1968 . Probate of £ 33,712

1971. Dorothy M Armitage, born 3/1/1901,of Flat 3 Bede House, College Gro Rd, Wakefield-died 12/4/1971in the Hyde Park Hotel - Westminster Jun 1971. Probate of £79852.


Armitage Index