Patricia Baer 1931-1973

Correction - The second picture on this page is of my other granny (also called Dorothy- Hecht/Baer, known as Dotsy) .

1931. Patricia A Baer was born to Gerald O Baer & Dorothy Hecht on 10/7/1931 at 67 Eton Avenue, Hampstead, her father a General merchant -Hampstead Sep 1931


pat-mum-1931 .pat-1931

Patricia with her mother, and in a chair 1931

1935. Jean M Baer was born to Gerald O Baer & Dorothy Hecht Hampstead Dec 1935

1939 Register. Patricia A Baer, born 10/7/1931, was living Eridor Manor Road, Torquay with her mother & sister Jean &, likely, her aunt, Doris L Baer, by marriage

Jean (M) Standen (Baer,Levy) 28 Oct 1935 Female - Single 46 7
Patricia (A) Armitage (Baer) 10 Jul 1931 Female At School Single 46 6
Anne Jones 06 May 1907 Female Nurse (Children's) Single 46 1
Dorothy Imper 02 Aug 1894 Female Nurse (Children's) Single 46 2
Annie F Inskip 19 Oct 1910 Female Domestic Servant Single 46 3
Doris L Baer 05 May 1904 Female Unpaid Domestic Duties Married 46 4
Dorothy H Baer 31 Dec 1911 Female Unpaid Domestic Duties Married 46 5

1940. Patricia Baer, 8, travelled from Liverpool on 29/6/1940 to New York, aboard the Sumaria with her mother & sister . Her address in England had been 165 Bickemhall Mansions, W1


1944. Dorothy Ray Hecht Baer, 32, arrived in Liverpool with Patricia, 12, & Jean Marion 8, from N.Y. on 27/6/1944 - Ancestry shipping records

I believe my mum , her sister and mother spent war years in San Francisco. . One of the ships in their convoy was torpedoed on way over.  I heard they were worried about being interned because of their German ancestry and/or believed they’d be safer in the US.
In answer to your question not sure of exact dates but my mum , plus sister Jean, did go to boarding school after the war I believe .  It was a London School evacuated to Devon -Sydenham House, Lewdown, Devon, not far from Tavistock. It had been the London school Glendower School, Brompton Road. Sydenham was a very happy, small school with local children and some Londoners- info gleaned from Carolyn's godmother, Jean Olsen, also at the school, now ~91, living Copenhagen . But Wikapedia states that the Second World War forced an evacuation of the Glendower School to the White Hart Hotel in Launceston, Devon.

1948. Patricia Baer, of jewish parentage, was baptised in Marystowe parish church on 19/5/1948 and confirmed 4 days later . She was then almost 17 . Marystow~ 10 k E of Launceston : ~15 k NNW of Tavistock



~1949- 1954. Patricia Baer worked as a medical secretary in London before moving to Yorkshire when she married my father.

1953. The engagement of Patricia Baer to George Cooke Armitage was announced in The Yorkshire Post on 20/11/1953- FMP Newspapers

"My parents met at a wedding in London and I remember hearing there was a bit of reaction to Dad marrying someone who was Jewish by blood (and with German American ancestry I imagine).  Yorkshire would have been pretty bleak in the 50s I imagine.  Funny those family comments.  We were brought up C of E and Mum adopted that - though we were never that regular church goers!" - Carolyn

1954. Patricia Baer, 22, married George C Armitage , 24, brickmaker, on 10/6/1954 in Holy Trinity Church, Brompton . His address Overdale, Belgrave Mound, Wakefield: hers 53, Egertom Gardems, SW3. Witnesses Leonard Armitage & Gerald Baer- seemingly their fathers . Kensington Jun 1954



Patricia & George had 3 children: George Nick Armitage , born May -Leeds Jun 1955; Suzanne M Armitage, born Novenber - Leeds Dec 1961; and

George, Patricia & Nick

Patricia , George & Nick

1957. Carolyn J Armitage was born July -Leeds Sep 1957


Patricia & Carolyn


George & Patricia with Jean and Olaf Olsen & -Morten, Carolyn's godmother


1973. Patricia Ann Armitage died on 4/7/1973 at Leeds General Infirmary of a cerebral tumour. She was the wife of George Cooke Armitage, a company director of Low Beck House, Collingham, Wetherby


Armitage Index