Life in 2014

Returned from Tasmania and South Australia to resume my addiction to the game of Bridge on January 13th

"We had a very successful AGM on Saturday, February 10th,   which was attended by a large number of members, followed by a tournament and a meal at El Rancho - a very tiring day.  Thanks to Tony and Katrina for organising". A vibrant meeting, with Liz making her voice heard.

The key issues from the AGM were with respect to the 6 resolutions:

Amendment to Article 22 of the Statutes - approved with a very significant majority (96 - 12)

Increasing Subscriptions - approved with a significant majority (76 - 27) - 30 euros from 1st January 2015

Discontinuing giving prizes  - was defeated with a  significant majority (85 - 20) - we continue to give prizes but to consider different distributions on occasions

Discontinuing hand dealt hands - was approved with a significant majority (81 - 20) - that is all hands will be dealt by the dealing machine in future

Lifting the ban on Peter Hindley and Fraser Dingwall - was approved with a majority

The membership thanked Phillip Carroll for his excellent Financial Report.

This year's new committee are Royston Bond - President, Sue Wood - VP, Jean Threlfall - Secretary, Bernard Rourke - Treasurer, Ed Morley - Bar Manager, Anita Dixon - Chief Tournament Director and Katrina Myerscough, Janet Hubbard, John Taylor, Sandra Bond and Sandra Benson - Committee Members.

.overview .agm .committee

Click on small photos to enlarge

A tournament was held following the meeting

Sadly Bill de Havilland died in February. His widow Marion resumed playing at the Club, having been absent for several years caring for him. Bill & Marion had been friendly faces for me in my early years at the club.


February 14th saw a celebration, with chocolates for all, a carnation for each lady, and 50% prizes of Cava


val1 .val3.

Also in February I gave a couple of lessons on Defence

. .defence2 . .defence1

February 22nd. Anita and John hosted a Quiz night. The winners were Royston, Barbara and Eric.


Then in March, Vera & Peggy were made Life Members I was away for a week on the Norwegian Getaway



.life .peggy-vera


And this was followed in April with Maria Teresa being made an Honorary Member- the first one in the club


Saturday April 12th . A successful Quiz night hosted by Jane and Ed . Refreshments were provided and the winners were Peter & Carole Burke and their team.

quiz-april1 .quiz-april2

Good Friday. Hungry members had a feast on hot cross buns!

Easter Monday saw a very friendly competition with 23 couples, and 16 people at least sporting Easter bonnets. The club was beautifully decorated by Janet, there being a small plant decoration with candle on each table, and a bag of Easter Eggs for all. The prizes were also of chocolate. and one person at each table got to take the plant decoration home

Click on photos to give a larger photo.

bonnet1 bonnets2 bonnets4 bonnets10 bonnets6
Decorated tables- Peter's hat
Anne, Ed & Janine
Meg's winning bouquet
Jane's winning Eeyore egg
Janine's lovable puppy
bonnets3 bonnets7 bonnets5 bonnets8 bonnets9
Gaby and Audrey
The photo-shy stars!
Audrey - 2nd - and Bill
Another effort to capture them!
Joy's refined bonnet

St Georges Day, Wednesday 23rd April.

Patriotic members donned their red and white garbs and each table had its red rose. These were all gathered in at the end of play and taken to Pety, just released from hospital, by Sandra, who had also been shopping for Pety.

george2 george3 george4 george1
Bill, Chris, Trish & Audrey
Jane & Ed
Meg, John & Janet
Sandra with the roses

Away in Bolivia & Argentina April 27 to May 22

May 10th. The Pairs Championship was held. Just 14 couples took part and John Hall & Derek Holdbach were the winners, closely trailed by Dick Craig & Richard Lightfoot

pairs2014a .pairs2014b

May 24th saw a Bowling Competition at the Inn on the Green , organised by Ed. There were 23 members and guests bowling. A very enjoyable and fun evening had by all with a lovely meal provided by the bowls club - Janet, Amanda and Dennis. The winners were ??

Click on photos to enlarge

bowls1 bowls2 bowls3
Bernard, Veronica, Barbara. Meg, Anita, Ed Chris Threlfall plus hat
bowls4 bowls5 bowls6
Bernard Lyn, Peter, Janine, Martin, Lyn, Arthur Jean, John, Anita, Ed, Meg, Lesley
bowls7 bowls8 bowls7
Chris, Veronica, Bernard, Jean, Barbara, Royston Peter, Lyn, Martin, Lyn Jean, Janine, Arthur, Lesley

Valles Match. This took place up at El Cid on June 7th. Royston persuaded me to abandon my principles and play once again!!. It was a very close outcome, with our team scraping home by just 4 Imps. The teams were: Pam, Pierre, Maureen and Bill (+56) ; Lyn, Peter, Chris and Trish [+20] : Barbara, Royston, Gabriella and  Gudron ; Kay, Manny, Jane & Ed ; John, Meg, Liz and Rosemarie. A good tea was provided and then an agreable barbecue was had at Media Luna

vall1 vall2 vall5 vall6
Royston & Sylvia Pam, Bill, Pierre & Maureen Maureen, Pam, Bill & Pierre Peter, Chris, Lyn & Trish
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Gaby Barbara,Gudron&Royston Ed, Kay, Jane & Manny John, Rosemarie, Meg & Liz Kay, Trish, Peter, Lyn, Barbara
valles3 valles2 valles1 valles4
Trish, Rosemarie & Ed Kay, Manny & Trish Jane, Peter, Lyn & Barbara Presidents with the Cup

jane1 . jane2



June 14th. The second Summer Party at the Javea Golf club.

party-invite . party-ed

party3 party4 party6 party7 party8
Bernard, Veronica, Annamieke
Sue & Golf Club friends


Janet,?,?,Carole,Peter,Pety Alan,Anne,Eric,Barbara,Royston
party9 party10 part11 party12 party27


?,Elva,Brian,?s Tony,Katrina,?,Kate,?,Maureen ?,Janine, Arthur,?s Peter,Lyn, ?s,Lynne,Nelke
p[arty13 party14 party26 party17 party19
The singer, Gill Henry
Bernard and Peggy
Arthur and Janine
Barbara and Eric
party20 party21 party22 party23 party24
Peter and Carole
Sue, the organiser
Anne and Alan
Carole, Peter and Pety

July 15th

Mary-Jo gave a 50 minute recital with her Viennese Quatetto Blanco after a Wednesday Gridge session . " 54 members/spouses/friends listened to a very good selection of music and we managed to get two encores as well.  They played for free and we had a basket set up for donations to charity and we chose Caritas; the good news is that we raised over €250!  Nibbles of crisps/biscuits/olives/peanuts were provided.


quartet7 quartet2 quartet2 quartet4 quartet5

September 28th. Car Rally - another great one, organized once again by Jean and Chris.

We started at St Antonio lighthouse - the devastation from the fires was horrendous to be seen - and we finished off at Cap de la Nau in glorious sunshine after seeing some terrific scenery.The winning car was Anita and John, and their friends; 2nd was Sandra and her grandson Ted, Sue and Pety; and 3rd Graham & Ann with Chris & David.

start cow david royston view1
view2 view3 ed david-anne
sue chris-t jean jean-2 royston2
sandra chris-g chris-sue

.Then 3 different competitions at the Club. On September 26th there was the Mixed Pairs won by Maria & Richard, with Dick & Irene a close 2nd. Followed on October 1st by the Ladies Pairs- somewhat of a shambles!, travellers having to be used and excessive noise due to the other pool of 9 tables moving at different times - - won by Janet & Maggie, with Maria & Chris 2nd . Then on October 6th the Mens Pairs with 9 pairs competing- won by Peter Hall and Peter Hindley, runners up Carl-Heinz & Gerard. .

mar-ric m-r-i-d ladies1 ladies4 men1 men2

Then off to the South Seas until November 22nd, missing the Remembrance Tournament on Nov 10th, the Club Teams Tournament on Nov 15th and, sadly, the Aspadis Tournament on Nov 22nd. Also a Quiz on Nov 8th. An action packed month!!

Friday, December 11th was he date of the long awaited Christmas Pantomime. Following a normal tournament with 18 tables, a plate buffet was served to more than 100 people, 5 of us serving it to ensure there was enough for everyone!. This was followed by half an hour's entertainment by a Dutch Shanty Choir - lots of good Irish songs included . Then Bernard's masterpiece - highly amusing if hardly word perfect!!

prog1 prog2

Click to enlarge

dutch1 food1 chris food2 dutch2
Dutch Shanty Choir singing
A good buffet
& cheery server! M.T, Peter, Meg Dutch Shanty Choir eating
group1 group2 panto7 panto8 panto9
Joy, Audrey Sandra
Gloria & Alice with spouses
Finita, Vera, Marion & Peggy
Derick,wife,?Mike Chris Smith
Graham, Mike & Veronica
panto1 panto14 panto15 pant1 panto2
Gerry & Judith
Sandra & Peter
Ineke, Chris T, Tony, Peter
Behind the scenes
panto16 panto17 panto18 panto20
Jean & Royston
panto22 flowers panto23
Chris T, Sandra & Peter
Bernard was made a hon.member M.Therese, Bernard, U. sisters

bernard1 .bernard2

The Club shut for refurbishment on December 19th, so the scores for the year end there. Maria and I still just topped the pairs with an average of 59.42, down from 2013, having played 68, 5 more than in 2013, games together. Maria topped the individuals with 59.23, 90 games, but I was down at 3rd, 93 games, with 57.62, only a smidgen less than John!! My play on Wednesdays let me down!

2014-pairs .singles


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