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alders .


I started school in 1950 at Aldersbrook Primary, just 4 streets away from Herongate Road. Seemingly 40 in this reception class, 48 in the next year and 39 in my final year there . From l: Rosemary Coote, Chris, then Wendy Mason 6th from left. Jeanette, maybe. extreme right

My school report from Aldersbrook County Primary school says "Speech still rather indistinct" when I was 7 years 3 months. There were 48 in my class that year, 39 the following one. I was described as “very sociable and cooperative” and my conduct as “ usually very satisfactory, much improved this term”!! I do remember being made to move my desk from the back to the front of the classroom after an incident with my friend Wendy during a test (and of feeling it was very unfair that she was allowed to stay at the back!). I learnt to ride a bike on the pavement outside her house, before that having only ridden a red three wheeler of Hazel’s. Another friend was Rosemary Coote/White who also lived in Herongate Road on the other side and down the far end.
I was able to play in Wanstead Park under Hazel’s supervision. We used to walk through this to my maternal grandparents’ home, who lived in the upper part of 87, Endsleigh Gardens, Ilford. My grandmother used to help my mother make all our clothes. An unpleasant memory was standing on the kitchen table at home, having the hem of a garment marked with the aid of a stick (I obviously didn’t relish having to stand still for the requisite time). I do not remember my grandfather ever being in his flat (presumably we went there on week days when he was out at work as a carpenter) but he did come to our house, especially at Christmas. He seemed very jovial to me, and played cards and cribbage with us and loved horse racing. But, in reality, was far too keen on drink and gambling and was probably responsible for making my grandmother’s life miserable which was reflected in her outlook on life. (But, which came first? – we will never know).


1950 car
Chris, Mum, Hazel in Herongate garden
First car: a Wolseley(ordered by Bill) EXP198




Jeanette's party- remember where it was in a flat to the north of Wanstead flats, but nothing else. She had an older sister and 2 younger twin sisters

We always had a party for our birthdays each year and our mother worked really hard on the food, and our father with the entertainment. One year a ~11 year turned up with the, maybe, 7 year old sister and announced that her gran had ordered her to stay for the whole time!. Dad also did a game which involved pulling a rug away from under you - for some reason this terrified me. Once we moved to Woodford in 1953 I do not remember any more parties


clov dunstable
Hazel & Chris Clovelly
Hazel & Chris Dunstable Downs


bran2 brand1
Jean, Lily & Jacques Brandeleer
Dad, Lily,Mum,Chris & Hazel


Eva , Harry, Mum, Audrey, Chris, Hazel, David

Go to 1951

Chris Grant Life